Custom Grill is an innovative product idea that aimed easier use for consumers to use grills in the
preparation of making food that require close monitoring as well as a long time to get a consistent
cooking result. The use of charcoal fuel resources for grilling is quite dangerous for consumer safety
especially consumers and customers. The objective of this study is to produce an adjustable and
efficient grill in terms of time and user safety during grill cleaning process. This tool is 95cm x 26.4cm
x 79cm. The special features of other tools when using carbon filters and adjustable the height of grill
automatically. A study of the acceptance of this product was conducted to a total of 54 respondents
consisting of users of night markets, grilled fish and satay shops around Shah Alam, Selangor. The data
obtained were analyzed using Microsoft Excel Software 2013. The data collection process was done
through quantitative methods (questionnaires) and qualitative methods (observations and
interviews). Findings are analyzed in percentage form. The results show that, 66.7% of respondents
stated that the adjustable height can easy to use for grilling work. With the solution of whether the
modified grill can lighten and use the public for the consumer or vice versa. In addition, this grill plays
an important role in several factors for consumer use such as ancillary devices including wheels,
actuators, gas stoves and carbon filters. In conclusion, with the presence of this Custom Grill can help
users in the problems faced by users.