The research of Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) in the Engineering Department
at Politeknik Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah (PSA) was conducted to identify the
causes of SBS that often occur in the building of the Engineering Department. This
research also aims to identify buildings that often experience SBS symptoms in PSA.
After analyzing from the questionnaire session on 105 respondents from the
engineering department, the researcher found that there are some symptoms
experienced by the respondents. The highest symptoms were headache of 50%, flu
of 43%, cough of 39%, itching or irritation recorded 31%, while runny nose and
dizziness accounted for 30% and 24%, respectively, and symptoms recorded the
lowest is shortness of breath which is 22%. From the literature review conducted,
these symptoms are caused by SBS, this is stated in the myHEALTH Portal of the
Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia. The results also found that the level of comfort of
the respondents while in the classroom is at a comfortable level. Meanwhile, while in
the workshop that using a natural ventilation system, respondents were at a less
comfortable level because the recorded temperature was around 31°C to 33°C.
According to MyGOV, the average daily temperature throughout Malaysia is between
21°C to 32°C. In conclusion, the results of this research prove that there are
symptoms of SBS on the building in the Engineering Department at PSA. The
findings will be communicated to the PSA Maintenance Unit for suggestions on
repairing damage or performing maintenance on the PSA building. This will ensure
that occupants are in a healthy condition and can go through the learning process
safely and comfortably.