The concept of this project is an innovation from river or lake cleaners that use watermills in the
Netherlands. These watermills are built using recycled materials such as bicycle rims and recycled
water bottles that can trap garbage on the surface of the PSA lake. In addition, the amount of
garbage increases after the rain and makes it difficult to do the cleaning work. Garbage floating in
PSA lakes prevents aquatic life from living better and affects the cleanliness of PSA lakes. This project
aims to improve the water purity level of PSA lake to look cleaner and clearer. In addition, it can
improve the quality of water hygiene for aquatic life in the lake, and can increase the pH value
(acidity) of lake water to a neutral level for water. The method of project conducted is to build a
watermill using recycled materials as well as improve the watermill with a garbage filter that serves
to trap garbage in the lake. The findings of the project conclude that the reduction of waste in the
PSA lake can be reduced which gives a good effect around the PSA lake, as life in the lake increases
and the view of the lake becomes a soothing focus in the PSA. Modifications of projects that use
plastic nets as garbage traps are replaced with stainless steel nets for longer shelf life.