Accidents occur due to environmental conditions that are not conducive or even unsafe. It is
found that accidents often occur on highways and traffic has increased every year according
to SOCSO reports. Therefore, the study conducted is a flexible road safety cone with alert
sound with the design of smart sensor technology as much as possible to help in addressing
the issue. The idea arose due to the increase in accidents at work involving the use of
highways and traffic lanes as well as conventional cones used are easily broken and
damaged. The focus on the objective of this study is to design cones. Next is to test its
effectiveness and to compare the flexible road safety cones with alert sound as road safety
controls. This innovation cone was successfully when the circuit is completed with a sensor
that sends a signal to the controller and then receives the object approaching it and a
obstacle of 20cm can be detected. Then the controller will send a signal on the LED and
buzzer and it will light up. Next, the circuit will inserted into a flexible cone along with a LED
and a buzzer mounted statically on the surface of the cone. The results of the study, as many
as 90% of the 55 respondents agreed with the innovations that were made. When a vehicle
or something dangerous approaches the cone, the sensor will sound to warn. The results of
the test prove that the warning sound can be heard at a distance of 18m from the cone with
a sound rate of 63.7 dB, according to DOSH the distance is a safe sound. At a distance of 90m the resulting sound is 47 dB where the sound result can be heard at a greater distance. The proposed improvement in this product is by using a more thickness acrylic and an increase in battery capacity.