Unpleasant noise problems can be a sound pollution. Absorption of sound is required to provide
environmental comfort to the user.This study was conducted to determine materials such as
acoustic foam and fabric thickness to absorb noise as well as solve the problem of fabrics
waste that contributes to the problem of waste disposal .Sound waves are transferred to the
acoustic foam,wheretheenergyislostduetothereflectiononthecharacteristicsofacoustic
through a thick fabric,and causing the production of echoes thus reducing noise.The
performance of" Portable Acoustic Panel Using Fabric and Foam as Sound Absorber is tested
UsingFabricandFoam asSoundAbsorber”is30mm whichhas48.63% averageefficiency
comparedto10mm whichhasonly25.29%average efficiency.Moreover,the fabric is more
effective(37.33%) than acoustic foam(17.83%) as a material of the panel.For the
recommendation to the future researcher,were commend them to increase the dimension of
the box and thickness according to the standard of wall panel.