This study was created from the observation of materials that to be used as a coagulant agent during
the water treatment process. Alum is a chemical substance which is a coagulant agent that put into
the water during the water treatment process to attract small particles that cannot be sediment and
suspended on the surface of the water. GLYCINTRUS is a combination of two organic ingredients used
in this study, soybeans and orange peel which has the characteristic like alum that has a positive ion
charge. All this has been discussed to solve some problems that arise with existing products such as
alum has side effects in the long term, alum is also a cause of cancer, the manufacturing cost is also
quite high, the process of making alum also looks difficult and many orange peels are wasted. The
objective of this study was to produce coagulants from natural ingredients such as soybeans and
orange peel, test the turbidity of water samples using organic ingredients and determine the optimal
amount of organic coagulant. For this study process, methodological study is used to plan the project
production process by producing a flow chart as a guide for production planning and testing the
project. As the result from the jar test that has been conducted, soybean solution can reduce the
turbidity value by 65%, orange peel solution can reduce 72.75%, the combination of these two
solutions can reduce by 85.09%. The formation of fine flocks can also be seen. Based on these results,
discussions have been made to further improve this study, which is planning the correct ratio before
conducting the test on it, taking water samples the day before the test to avoid the percentage of
water turbidity value decreasing.