Based on the official website of Department of Health of Malaysia, the number of elderly will be double from 7% to 14% within 28 years in our country as opposed to Sweden who has been for 112 years with the same change (United Nations, 2007). Senior citizens defined as individual who aged 60 and above (United Nations, 1982). The senior citizens issues are discussed through a variety of ways, especially through health aspects. Health problems of the elderly will occur when if the need for healthy life cannot be met or achieved. Bedridden elderly patients not only suffer physical changes, but even changed from the social, economic and emotional. For family members, they also felt the challenge in terms of patient care and management of these bedridden patients. At Hospital Kuala Lumpur, the number of bedridden elderly patient cases that has been refereed to Medical Social Work Department is 83 cases on 2014. The number has been increased 19% compared on 2013. The factor that affect the elderly bedridden cases are stroke, cancer, fall incident and ageing. The medical field related to disease of the elderly is Geriatric.