This wardrobe is implemented to solve the problem in the drying of imperfect clothes
in daily life. This machine is equipped with a fan and heating element suitable for use
in the process of drying clothes in a short time. This idea was obtained after seeing the
problems that often occur to society. One of the common problems is the clothes
cannot dry properly due to unpredictable weather factors. Next is the limited space to
dry clothes in homes such as apartments as most clothes hangers are prone to many
problems. The main purpose of this project is to facilitate the process of drying clothes
during rainy and unpredictable weather. High humidity slows down the process of
drying clothes while taking a long time to dry. The project uses several components
such as heating elements as a source of heat and nylon fabric as a heat trap so that it
does not spread out. A survey was conducted to obtain reviews about this project and
the feedback received was positive. There are some improvements that can be made to
this project for the future. One of them is to improve the stronger structure so that
more clothes can fit into the clothes dryer racks.