This project study focuses on the separation of kekabu from kekabu seeds as well as filling kekabu into
pillowcases. Usually the process of separating the kekabu from the seeds as well as filling the kekabu into the pillowcase manually is difficult and requires a lot of manpower and time. Therefore, this Pro-Filler machine is able to separate seeds and kekabu with a maximum weight of 2 kilograms in one barrel of this pro filler and even the final process of filling kekabu becomes easier. This machine is made of 3 main components, namely a fan motor, blower and a 100 liter mist barrel. The use of this fan motor is intended to separate the kekabu from the kekabu seeds. While the blower serves to fill the mist into the pillow. This machine can separate the kekabu from the kekabu seeds at the same time filling the kekabu into the pillowcase in just 1 - 2 minutes for a single sized pillow(17 x 26inci), (16 x 24 inci) and (13 x 8inci). Indirectly this shows that this machine can process kekabu products in high quantity. The use of this Pro-Filler machine increases the quantity for the number of pillows produced. With the Pro-Filler machine, the process of isolating kekabu from kekabu seeds can be done easily and efficiently. The production of this project can have an impact on local small industries that conduct business selling products related to the use of kekabu.
Keywords: kekabu, separation, manual