The production of field lines is an important factor in making the area of football,
rugby, discus and shot put areas. Measurement of line and curve of the field should be
accurate, if the field does not comply with the provisions of this size is considered
ineligible as a football match. As regulated under the Football Association of
Malaysia and the World (FAM and FIFA), the length and width of the football field
must be in accordance with the provisions. These line markers are spraying and
portable technology to make it easy to make field lines. This line marker product uses
liquid pumps and sprays as markers. This line marker also makes it easier to create
curved lines. The problem of using roller line markers, it is difficult to make curved
lines and straight lines due to uneven pitch surface. In addition, serious conventional
problems. The objective of the study is to mark the line quickly and save more time.
Next, the field line is more precise and neat. This project suggests, the use of tires that
can produce curves by following a certain measurement without using a rope as a line
mark. Most used in Malaysia still use the old conventional and cause difficulties to
consumers when marking lines and curves. With the presence of this spray technology
marker machine can overcome the problems encountered.