The Road Safety Department of Malaysia logged a total of 535000 road accidents that occurred in 2018
and an increment of 19000 cases in 2019 with fatal accidents totalling 5764 cases in the same year.
Statistically, Malaysia is one of the ASEAN countries with the highest road fatalities based on the overall
population. In 2020 Human behaviour was listed as the highest-ranking cause of Road Accidents in
Malaysia, with drowsiness caused by microsleep and fatigue conditions among the sub-factors. A sudden
temporary episode or drowsiness which lasts up to several seconds is defined as microsleep (MS).
Microsleep signs can be detected by using a human heartbeat pulse which is used in this system design.
Taking the simple concept of other road users honking to alert a wander-off driver, this system combines
IoT technology with an applicable device that analyzes data of microsleep signs, alert the drivers by
automatically turning on a neck massager and at the same time notify interested parties such as other
people in the car or family at home. The system has proven able to detect microsleep of the subject by
using heart rate sensor. The system is also used to study the heartbeat pulse patterns when sleepiness
occurs and the effects of a sudden stimulus on the pattern. The heart rate that has been detected will notify
the blynk app and can be seen by the user.