This project concerns the assessment of making a product, the coconut palm collector, which will consider all aspects and concepts for satisfaction of the users. One sign of fresh fruit bunches that are ready to be picked is the appearance of loose fruit on the ground. In order to increase the oil content during processing, loose fruit must be gathered up when bunches fall to the ground after cutting. The method used to gather loose fruit from the fields hasn't changed significantly in the century since this crop was first farmed for profit in Malaysia. Manual labor is used to collect the loose fruit, which is then put into a bag, a container, or a trailer after being physically picked or raked. This work requires bending motions, which frequently give workers back pain. For oil palm plantation workers who must gather palm oil seeds in challenging circumstances, several observations are taken into consideration when creating a portable palm seed collector in an effort to reduce this issue and boost collection productivity. They must undoubtedly surrender for a protracted period of time, which requires time. Farmers may experience back pain from doing this, and it requires a lot of labor. As a result, the project's objective is to make users' participation in collection operations more convenient and comfortable. The project began with the development of a design concept. Combine several ideas as well as all parameters and factors related to user satisfaction, such as it has also been examined whether it is simple to maintain or simple to use.