The degradation of roads is a pervasive issue in modern civilization that is associated with
negative consequences. This investigation focuses on a length of road that is 2.2 kilometres long and
runs from Taman Sri Orked to Lorong Haji Tahir. The road is called Jalan Sempadan Telok Panglima
Garang. The purpose of this research is to determine the features of the damage, as well as its source,
and to look for measures to improve road conditions. Arahan Teknik Jalan JKR has, and a journal or
two were alluded to in the sentence. Along the route, a site survey was carried out to gather the
various forms of damage and their respective numbers. A study of the traffic volume is carried out in
order to determine the typical daily traffic and appropriate techniques of pavement design and
maintenance. A survey form was also presented in order to gather the feedback and perceptions of
those who utilise the route. According to the conclusions of the study, the pavement on roads should
be maintained on a regular basis, and any problems should be rectified as soon as humanly feasible.