The incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI) into our daily lives has been profound, and the realm of education is no exception. This book is written as a guide for educators who harness the potential of AI tools and reshape the way we teach, learn and interact with educational content. Specifically, Communicative English 1 (DUE10012), Communicative English 2 (DUE30022), Communicative English 3 (DUE50032) and Technical English
(DUE10062). Be it a seasoned veteran or just starting a fruitful journey as an educator, this book will provide you with ideas on effectively incorporating AI into your pedagogical practices. This book also imparts the important idea that AI is not a replacement for human educators. It is a powerful tool that can augment our capabilities and create more engaging and effective learning experiences. By embracing AI, we can equip students
with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in the 21st century.